Join us online on Monday, January 19th at 7pm for a Rockabilly Tuneful Holiday concert form Lara Hope and the Ark-Tones.
Live from the Century House, it will be streaming on the Century House FB page, the Ark-Tones FB page and the Ark-Tones YouTube channel simultaneously.
As a person who grew up disliking holiday music, I’ve really come around to it over the past few years, and have actually recorded and/or written a number of holiday tunes! Here’s a little ”Holidays with Hope” playlist where you can check them all out (including a brand new collab with my friend Roseann Sureda)
*Catch our holiday livestream this Monday from 7-8pm ET, streaming from Lara Hope & The Ark-Tones FB and YouTube pages, as well as from the Century House HIstorical Society page.
Click here to Watch on FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/LaraHopeandTheArkTones
Click here to watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z7-nvdPYLg