Eotechnic Sensorium Artists: Billy Cancel and Genevieve Fernworthy

Billy Cancel

Genevieve Fernworthy

Upon A Wooden Horse In Rode HEADLESS MULTI

Upon A Wooden Horse In Rode HEADIESS MULTI is a series of pieces conceived and performed by Brooklyn-based noise/poetry duo, Tidal Channel.

A 6-part cycle based upon Louis Mumford's book 'Technics and Civilization', Billy Cancel and Genevieve Fernworthy isolate and sharpen this text into contained lyric poems.
Each section attempts to dissect the monumental reconfigurations outlined by Mumford in his work.

They include systematic energy redistribution, a massive socio-economic power shift, and the labor forces' corresponding [techno] cluster and [spiritual] scatter.

The segments are then bound and harnessed by noise, costume, music, site-specific props and minstrel drift to create a flash interpretation of 'the Eotechnic Phase'.